Tag Instant is a fast, convenient, secure and cost-effective solution
to instantaneously issue cards at Issuer’s Bank branches. Customers
receive straightaway a fully personalized EMV card that they can
activate and use without delay, increasing their satisfaction.
Tag Instant can personalizes contact and dual interface cards from
the major payment schemes.
In-Branch fast and secure Card issuance
TagInstant is an innovative solution that operates independently from
the data preparation service. An in-branch desktop personalisation
machine is used to finalise cards that have previously been
semi-personalised. The solution uses a Master Issuer Key (MIK),
which is stored inside a password secured USB HSM. The MIK is used
to encode the Customer name and other fields into the EMV chip.
The customer details will be securely retrieved from TAGInstant’s
database and then presented to the desktop personalisation machine
to finalise the card. The customer receives the fully personalised
card which may be activated before leaving the branch.
- Supports EMV, EMV CPS, GP, JC and Security Card Specification Standards from international card schemes (VISA, MasterCard, Diners Club…)
- Support for contactless and dual interface products as well as for proprietary schemes.
- Extended customisation options for the User Interface (languages, personalisation equipment…)
- No need for a 24/7 communication channel to the Data Preparation Service, although an online connection is supported.
- Cryptographic operations performed within a FIPS 140-2 level 3 certified device (included)
- TAGInstant may be integrated online or operates off-line from an issuer’s card system.
- Advanced reporting and full audit trails to keep track of issued cards and other transactions
- Support for integration to a number of desktop machines from different vendors
- Easy Integration to an Issuers’ existing Card Management or host System
- Service Differentiation: in branch card issuance is a major differentiator between issuers
- Easy to use, Bank Branch staff can simply “Instant Issue” cards
- Emergency Replacement cards issued immediately without delay
- Fully Functional EMV Cards: TagInstant enables the production of completely standard EMV Cards.
- Cost reduction: no mailing costs for card and PIN delivery.
- Integration options: may be combined with TagPin for PIN Code distribution by SMS
- Increase customer satisfaction with instant card issuance!

- Tag Instant(pdf)