As an evidence of the evolution in the Payment Industry Trends, Metal Cards are a symbol of elegance, simplicity and beauty which stand out from standard payment cards as a premium product that differentiates the brand they represent. Traditional institutions propose metal cards to their wealthiest customers, whereas Fintech’s have a distinct strategy.
FinTech’s are adding metal cards as an additional product in their portfolio, customers who are willing to pay for metal cards premium and distinctive advantages, will sign for them. Millennials are the group showing the highest interest in this product.
Metal cards are manufactured with high quality materials and special production techniques not available in standard cards. Appealing and sophisticated designs, combined with a unique touch and feel, make customers feel they are getting a prestigious and durable mean of payment, not an ordinary card.
Our range of Dual Interface metal cards contains a minimum of 54% post-consumer recycled material, consisting of 65% post-consumer recycled stainless steel.
Tag Systems Metal Cards portfolio offers an extensive range of possibilities in design which allows each and every client to find the ideal type of the Metal Card according to the expectations of the customer. Metal Cards can be produced with Contact and Dual Interface Technology, both certified by Mastercard and VISA.
Metal Veneer Cards
Mass Affluent

From 16 to 18 grams
Magnetic Stripe
CompatibleMetal Composite card construction,
Front metal and Back PolymerDual Interface / Contact
compatibleMechanical Engraving
on card FrontLaser Engraved
PersonalizationMultiple color
design optionsConventional Printing
for Polymer BackCrystal
EmbeddingKnock-out capability
Embedded Metal Cards
Mass Affluent

12 grams
Multiple color
design optionsMetal core with front and
back PVC layersEdge-To-Edge metal
Magnetic Stripe
CompatibleLaser Engraved
PersonalizationDual Interface / Contact
compatibleConventional Printing
for front and backLogos can be knocked out to metal
on the front or back of card
Metal Hybrid Cards
Affluent / High Net Worth / Private Banking

From 16 to 21 grams
Front Metal Layer with
Back Polymer LayerLaser Engraved
PersonalizationDual Interface / Contact
compatibleMetal Production techniques
for Front onlyMechanical Engraving/
Chemical EtchingMagnetic Stripe
CompatibleConventional Printing
for Polymer Back24k Gold, Crystal and/or Diamond
EmbeddingPVD* Front & Back coating
*Physical Vapor Deposition
Ceramic Metal Cards
Affluent / High Net Worth / Private Banking

26 grams (Full Metal) /
16 grams (Metal Hybrid)Front Metal Layer with
Back Polymer LayerLaser Engraved
PersonalizationDual Interface / Contact
compatibleCeramic Clad with
Metal CoreMechanical Engraving/
Chemical EtchingMagnetic Stripe
CompatibleLimited range of
colors with texture24k Gold, Crystal and/or Diamonds
Full Metal Cards
Affluent / High Net Worth / Private Banking

21 grams for Full Metal DI
28 grams for Full Metal ContactMagnetic Stripe
CompatibleLaser Engraved
PersonalizationDual Interface / Contact
compatibleMetal Production techniques
for Front & BackMechanical Engraving/
Chemical EtchingDurable Color
CoatingIndividually embedded
security features24k Gold, Crystal and/or Diamonds
Embedding only on Contact CardDual Interface Double-tap