Our society and the economic agents are more and more concerned about the impact of the economic activity on the environment and the communities.
For end customers, sustainability it’s not just a choice, it is a key element in their decision process, financial institutions and fintech’s are including environmentally friendly products on their portfolios for the same reason.
Tag Systems is committed to the preservation of the environment and to its responsibility towards the society. Our sustainability approach is based on:
- The principles of the United Nations Global Compact
- Introduction of sustainable materials in the card production.
- Sustainable approach in the different steps of the production.
- Tag Systems is a Carbon-neutral company after achieving the offset of 2023 GHGs emissions generated by Tag Systems’ Product & Organization through United Nations offset platform.
- We selected a project in Guatemala “Distribution of ONIL Stoves Program” and a project in Ghana “Clean Cook Stoves in Sub-saharan Africa by Climate Care Limited” both for its environmental, economic and social benefits for the local communities.
Sustainable Payment cards

Our Recycled PVC cards (rPVC) are made of post-manufacturing material coming from different industries. When issuing a card with rPVC, you will be contributing to the reduction of first-use PVC manufacturing.
We have been granted with VISA & MC certifications for cards made of rPVC. MC Sustainable Card Badge is available for different card compositions:
- rPVC 95% card (Made of 95% rPVC).
- rPVC 80% card (Made of 80% rPVC).